Thursday, January 12, 2017

Back in Flagstaff

I added some easy year birds both in the back yard and around town during my first few days in Flagstaff. On Tuesday January 10th I took a detour to Willow Bend on the way home. I should not have been surprised by the lack of ducks as there was much open water elsewhere but heading back with just coot, ravens and flickers to show for my efforts I had a Greater Roadrunner cross the path in front of me. That was just the third or fourth I'd seen inside city limits.

On Wednesday 11th I did my circuit for the wintering eagle count and added several species to my Arizona for the year. After finding two male Northern Pintail on Lake Elaine my next good stop was at the double ponds where a female Hooded Merganser and a female Goldeneye were in the pond and a young Bald Eagle - my only one for the route.

Bald Eagle
I made a quick stop across the road from the Flagstaff Athletic Club and found 3 Snow Geese and 1 Cackling Goose in with the Canada Geese. My trip out to a cold and windy Walnut Canyon was unproductive.

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