Sunday, January 22, 2017

Neighborhood Birds

The weekend of Saturday January 21st and Sunday 22nd was my first one at home in 2017. Snow storms on Thursday and Friday nights had brought 24 inches of snow to my yard and I spent much of Saturday getting my driveway clear and my feeders stocked. But I was able to spend time on Sunday watching the birds and had the usual selection of birds minus Cassin's Finches and Evening Grosbeaks that have not been around this winter. For the first time I had a Brown Creeper on my peanut pellet feeder, and I also had a rare winter visitor - Lesser Goldfinch - on a thistle sock. This bird is usually seen in small numbers on the Flagstaff CBC but I have no winter record of this species in my yard.

Brown Creeper
Lesser Goldfinch and Pine Siskins
On Sunday afternoon I went for a short walk to add Lewis's Woodpecker to my year list, with the bird obliging by flying from low to the tree top just after I had arrived at the usual snags.

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