Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Year Ahead

Although 2016 brought about an unexpected lifestyle change, 2017 should be more predictable. I will again spend a combined 2 months in California, will have a trip to the UK in the summer and will go to Chicago for a few days in August. Based on this I will set my world goal at 400 species.

For this I need to set an ABA goal of 350 species although I failed on this in both 2015 and 2016. I need to be more conservative with my Arizona target and will set this at 225. For California I can hope to reach 175.  

I have learned that 150 Coconino county birds is achievable and will aim for this target again. I wiull also use the same number for Santa Clara county, although this may be a bit optimistic.

Lifers will be hard to come by. My best bets are Red-masked Parakeet, Mountain Quail and Bell’s Sparrow.

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