Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Santa Teresa County Park and the MLK Shoreline

Away from my traditions in Flagstaff I decided to begin the year trying to beat my eBird record of 40 species on January 1st. I began at first light with the 2.4 mile loop from the house around the low trail in the county park and home again.

My first three birds, as always lacking quality, were American Crow, Turkey Vulture and American Robin. But things improved after that with 40-50 Cedar waxwings feeding on berries in the trees along the side of the golf course on Bernal Road, and a Wrentit singing clearly just before the trail headed down to the golf course. I returned home before 9am with 25 birds on my list, and then added four further species in the neighborhood and on a short trip to the spring.

After some family time we headed to Oakland airport to put my son on a plane back to university, and I added six further species as we drove along the freeways. My wife and I ended the day at the Martin Luther King Shoreline just outside the airport where I added 4 ducks, 2 grebes, 4 waders, an egret and a gull - the best of which was a Black-bellied (Grey) Plover. This took me to 47 species for the day.

Black-bellied (Grey) Plover
Common Goldeneye
Herring Gulls

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