Monday, August 7, 2017

A BQ Outing and a day with Jill & Ian

I spent the morning of Saturday July 8th walking across the Kurilpa Bridge, along the South Bank Parkland, across the Goodwill Bridge and around the City Botanical Gardens. I added Figbird - a large flock feeding on a fruiting tree -  and Bush Thick-knee. As I was about to exit the Gardens I saw something strange flying about - some Grey-headed Flying Foxes were arguing over the roosting spots.
Bush Thick-knee
Grey-headed Flying Fox

I then took the train out to Bald Hills to attend a BQ Outing led by Esther Townsend at Canterbury Park and the adjacent Barungwarra Bushland Reserve. There were many participants and the best of these saw over 50 species. I had a few less but added 25 for the trip. My best bird was a Cotton Pygny Goose, a species that I had only previously seen in Cambodia.

Cotton Pygmy-goose
Rainbow Lorikeet
Straw-necked Ibis
On Sunday July 9th Ian and Jill picked me up from my hotel for a morning in Brookfield - initially hoping but failing to find an elusive Black Bittern at Gold Creek Reservoir - and then the early afternoon in Moggill. I added 21 new species for the trip including the always lovely Golden Whistler and Rose Robin.

Australian Pipit
Pied Stilt
Rainbow Bee-eater
White-faced Heron

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