Monday, August 7, 2017

Malaysia - Bangsar and Ulu Langkat

After a few days back in Arizona courtesy of a QR workshop in Scottsdale, I headed to Malaysia with my wife and saw 14 expected species around Bangsar before going out with Cheong of Endemic Guides to Ulu Langkat, an area just beyond Ampang on the east side of Kuala Lumpur. We saw over 50 species on our day out.

On Wednesday July 5th I took an Air Asia flight to Australia where I stayed for a few days before returning to Malaysia for another 4 days stay. I was able to add a few more species in this time including Crested Serpent Eagle at the kolam on Lorong Maarof (as well as the more likely Striated and Purple herons) and a Black-shouldered kite along the motorway as we headed to the airport. The trip ended in a disappoinitng way when Swee Seng fell ill and we were unable to go birding as planned at Ulu Kali. I ended with 66 species in Malaysia - fewer than I had seen in England - but in just 8 days, most of which were spent locally.

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