Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Back in San Jose

On Wednesday July 19th I attended an Owling Class run by Santa Clara Valley Audubon that was held at McClellan Ranch Preserve in Cupertino. The instructor talked wisely about the different species found in Santa Clara county and as the sum set we wandered around the park. Someone had staked out a Western Screech Owl for us to see, and we had a Great Horned Owl fly over as we started to head back.

With some information earned my wife and I drove to the Coyote Valley OSP on Friday July 21st and heard Common Poorwills calling from the hillside at sunset and had a poor view of a Barn Owl as the skies darkened.

We attended a Field trip to Sanborn County Park on Sunday July 23rd, a rather disappointing affair as the trip hardly ventured away from the open area where people began to picnic. A few of us wandered off - Sergio who had given me a ride home on Wednesday, Garret and Nana? - and we found a Cassin's Vireo and a Pacific Wren to make the morning worthwhile.

I also added a few more species on day trips over the next week or so. On Saturday July 29th my wife and I went to Land's End (San Francisco) but dipped on the Parakeet Auklet that has been around from time to time the previous week. I did add Heerman's Gull and Common Murre for the year while looking.

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