Monday, August 7, 2017

Sherwood and Oxley

I spent time visiting my house on Monday and added no new birds that day, although I got a first yard bird for the house - Spotted Dove on a roof across the street (and heard Torresian Crows calling from the nearby trees).

Spotted Dove

I spent my final day, Tuesday July 11th at the Sherwood Arboretum and at Oxley Creek Common where I added another 8 species but fell 3 short of my target of 100 for the short trip down under. I did see a few Eastern Grey Kangaroos from the train as I headed out to the airport on the Gold Coast.

Australian Kite
Australian Swamphen
Double-barred Finch
Pied Bitcherbird
Spangled Drongo
Superb Fairywren

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