Monday, August 7, 2017

Out and about around Brisbane

I arrived at the Gold Coast Airport early on Thursday July 6th and took a shuttle to my hotel close to Roma Street Station. I spent the morning in the Roma Street Parklands and the afternoon wandering around the city, adding 23 species of bird plus a few Eastern Water Dragons. In the evening I went to Milton for a Birds Queensland Meeting hearing about feral cats at Bowra and Glossy and Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos.

Blue-faced Honeyeater
Crested Pigeon
Dusky Moorhen
Little Black Cormorant
Little Pied Cormorant

I awoke to rain on Friday morning, July 7th, but unable to waste a day I headed out first to Lone Pine in Fig Tree Pocket where I knew there was some shelter and then out to Walkabout Creek and the Araucaria trail around Enoggera Reservoir in The Gap. Despite the weather I was able to add another 18 species.

King Parrot
Pale-headed Rosella

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