Thursday, September 19, 2013

A birdingpal day out

I got to bird with two Missouri birders - Jerry and Margie - on Wednesday evening, September 11th and on Thursday morning September 12th. The evening trip was a search for owls on a beautiful star filled night. We had no owls but head a couple of groups of coyotes howl and saw one of these animals slyly watching us from behind the trees.

Thursday morning was much more successful. I had been given a wish-list and was able to get them 4 birds for their life lists. We began at Picture Canyon where we had a Gray Flycatcher and lots of Wilson's Warblers but no Lewis's Woodpecker. We moved on to Logan's Crossing where a flock of Pinyon Jays found us, and then to Elden Spring where a Sharp-shinned Hawk sat quietly. We flushed the bird away and with quiet all around were about to head off when a Townsend's Solitaire magically appeared. With the clock ticking down and Lewis's Woodpecker still absent we made one last stop on the corner of San Francisco and Switzer and the bird appeared and gave us a good flycatching show. I had to head to work but my guests found their forth lifer - a Clark's Nutcracker - at Snowbowl. I am yet to see that bird in 2013.

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