Friday, September 27, 2013

Blue Ridge Parkway

On Friday September 27th we drove up the Blue Ridge Parkway to Mt. Mitchell stopping once on the way up and many times on the way down.

The first three hours were spent at Ridge Junction. Perhaps 20 birders were with us for a magical time as migrants came up one side of the mountain, stopped at the crest and then descended on the other side. We saw large numbers of Tennessee Warblers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (including some brightly coloured males) and Blue-headed Vireos. We also had a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, several Bay-breasted, Magnolia, Cape May and Black-throated Blue Warblers (including some bright males). We also had a single Blackburnian Warbler - again a nicely colored male - and a single Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Resident birds included a tom Wild Turkey on the way up, Slate-colored Dark-eyed Juncos, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets.

When things quietened down we went to the summit of Mt. Mitchell - the highest point east of the Mississippi - where we saw a kettle of 12 Broad-winged Hawks and 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks. We then descended the mountains stopping several times but seeing few birds. The only thing of note was an Ovenbird at Craggy Gardens. Eventually it was clear that there were no birds and we headed into town for tea (me) and ice-cream (the others).

After tea we went to the River Park and then returned to Owen Park where we saw small numbers of migrants.

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