Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quiet Days

I did not get to bird much in the month of August due to work commitments. Soon after the Tucson trip I tagged along on a business trip for my wife with the idea of birding The Glendale Recharge ponds. The morning of Saturday August 10th turned out to be a very quiet day with few birds out of the very ordinary. I did finally get to add Green Heron to my year list.

My next chance to get out was on Saturday September 7th when I joined a Northern Arizona Audubon trip to Mingus Mountains. I knew this was a risky trip - getting up early and traveling for 90 minutes to get to habitat similar to that on my own back door! But Rich's scouting a couple of days earlier had made it seem worth the trip. Sad to say it turned out to be a very dull day with few birds. The only two things worth mentioning were a large group of Turkey Vultures on the ground and in the trees at Mingus Lake and then 5 hummingbird species - Anna's, Broad-tailed, Black-chinned, Calliope and Rufous - at some feeders.

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