Saturday, September 28, 2013

Great Smokey Mountains and Rankin Bottoms

On Saturday September 28th we visited Great Smokey Mountain National Park in the morning and then Douglas Dam and Rankin Bottoms in Tennessee in the afternoon.

After seeing 4 Wild Turkey just after we entered Great Smokey Mountains National Park we stopped off a couple of times to look at migrant warblers. Bay-breasted was the most common warbler in the trees and Tennessee Warbler the most common in the shrubs, and Steve's pishing brought in a Red-breasted Nuthatch for all to see - I had missed one the day before. After going to the mountain top we descended on the Tennessee side and Steve found us a Winter Wren.

After passing through the touristy town of Pigeon's Forge we stopped a couple of times at a vast reservoir, first near the dams and then at some mudflats. Douglas Dam yielded 5 Black Vultures and 6 Black-crowned Night-herons and Rankin Bottoms 28 Pectoral Sandpipers and an American White Pelican. In between we stopped to look at gulls and found one Laughing and one Lesser Black-backed among 30 Ring-bills.

We ended the day at Steve's parent's place where Steve failed to attract the resident Eastern Screech-Owl - our third failure in three tries for a night bird on the trip.  

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