Sunday, September 29, 2013

Heading back

On Sunday September 29th there was just a couple of hours in which to bird before heading to the Charlottte airport.

We spent the time at Jackson Park and walked the same trails as on Friday, this time seeing 3 White-eyed Vireos and 2 Golden-winged Warblers in addition to birds we had seen before: American Redstarts; Tennessee, Hooded, Chestnut-sided and Black-and-White Warblers; Pileated Woodpeckers; Eastern Wood-Pewees etc.

I headed home with my ABA list at 547 and my year list at 647, both just a little short of my end-of-trip targets. But I saw 168 species on the 7-day plus 2-hour trip of which 23 were lifers. The tour was billed as Songbirds, Shorebirds and Seabirds and I had 23 species of warbler, 20 waders and 6 sea birds.

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