Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jackson Park

On Thursday September 26th we spent the day at Jackson Park putting in three two-hour shifts walking the trails and seeing a lot of migrant bird activity.

We saw lots of warblers, although only Tennessee, Canada and a single Yellow-throated were new for the trip, and both Blue-headed and Yellow-throated Vireos. We had both Least and Acadian Flycatchers and Wood and Swainson's Thrushes. This was our best day so far in our search for migrant songbirds. We met other birders there, of which some had seen Golden-winged Warblers, Blue-winged Warblers and Northern Waterthrushes. This meant that we would return to Jackson Park on Sunday morning.

After Jackson Park we stopped off at Lake James in the search for American Coot - this bird had become something of a joke. Alas we could not find one - and indeed we later found that there was just a solitary recent eBird report including this bird in the whole of North Carolina! Instead we found a female Hooded Merganser in with a motley crew of domestic ducks and geese and a few normal-looking mallards.

Our final stop was at a water treatment plant where we added a Pied-billed Grebe to the trip list. A little more searching brought Tree, Bank and Barn Swallows.

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