Friday, January 17, 2014


On Saturday January 11th my wife and I drove to Cameron in hopes of getting the Rufous-backed Robin on my 2014 list. Jason and Tom had found two of this species in the courtyard on November 19th and I had dashed there and saw one on the 20th. Reports since then had been mainly of a single bird and the most recent reports had spoke of the lack of food. The Russian Olive fruits were gone and there did not seem to be much left.

We did not see the bird when we first arrived, but after a short trip to the seep and the bridge across the river bed, we found the bird when we returned. It was in the same place as a couple of earlier reports- feeding beneath a rose bush! The courtyard was pretty quiet but I added American Kestrel and Loggerhead Shrike for the year during the drive.

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