Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Year Ahead

The coming year is not as easy to contemplate as the past three years as this promises to be a year of change. We expect both our sons to be away in different states and our travel plans are vague at best.

I will aim for 7 new Arizona birds in 2014 taking me halfway to the magic 400 and will again set 250 as my Arizona goal. I will endeavor to get as many of these birds as possible by the end of May. Three difficult but possible SE Arizona birds are Sinaloa Wren, Rufous-capped Warbler and Five-striped Sparrow and I should try to get these in January.  I would also like to make an effort to get Black-billed Magpie, Gray Jay and Chukar on my Arizona list.  

My world goal is to see 500 species in 2014. I hope to get 50 lifers but this will depend on a number of things. I have a planned trip to northern Minnesota set for February where I will not get many lifers but should get some high quality birds. I am tempted to chase some game birds in Colorado in April or May but that will depend on other factors. It is possible for me to increase my life list to 570 ABA birds by the end of 2014.

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