Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sparrow Banding Day

On Sunday January 19th I joined 19 other volunteers for a day of sparrow banding at Davis Pasture. We spent six hours in the field, erecting three sets of temporary mist nets and then flushing birds in from both sides. We collected and banded over 30 birds, with two-thirds of these being Grasshopper Sparrows and the remainder split evenly between Baird's and Savannahs. We also flushed a flock og about 60 Chestnut-collared Longspur and saw a few of the sparrow's main predator - Northern Harriers.

The work was completed with enough time for another trip to Reid Park, but the noise and activity was similar to the day before and I again dipped on my main target. I did add a couple of year birds including Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night-Heron

As the sun began to set I made a mad dash to John F. Kennedy Park to add Redhead to my year's list, following up on aosfrom the day before. I only stayed 5 minutes but managed to find a male Vermillion Flycatcher while I was there.

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