Friday, January 17, 2014

Sedona CBC

On Saturday January 4th I led a team in a Coconino County patch of the Sedona CBC, from the Burger King to Poco Diablo along Oak Creek.

We did very well in the neighborhood along Brewer Road getting a large number of the common yard birds of Sedona including several Canyon Towhees - a bird I didn't get in 2013 until December 27th! Our stop at the Sedona Creative Life Center gave us an expected flock of Bushtit, and the RV Park had a large number of Red-naped Sapsuckers and Brown Creepers. We had an excellent morning up to that point, but things slowed down and Tlaquepaque, Poco Diablo and the Chapel area were all pretty slow. Of course this can expected with any big day; birds are less active in the afternoon and so you need to hit good areas early.

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