Friday, January 17, 2014

First Days of 2014

Northern Arizona birders have a tradition of posting their first three birds of the year on the sightings forum. Mine was very average - Mountain Chickadee, Dark-eyed Junco and House Finch. But I had a good morning of feeder watching with Pygmy and White-breasted Nuthatches making it onto my 2014 yard list earlier than expected. I had ten species at the feeders and a walk around the block added four more before we settled down to other things.

I was at work on the 2nd and 3rd but a detour en route to the FAC to swim on Thursday and a detour to the pond at Willow Bend on Friday added a few more species. Following the Sedona CBC - see another post - I took a quick trip to get Acorn Woodpecker on my year's list on Sunday and then on Tuesday 7th took a disappointing quick drive down to Mormon Lake where I added Rough-legged Hawk. The two birds seen on the CBC were still hanging around near the overlok.

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