Monday, August 15, 2016


On Sunday August 14th my wife and I took a Shearwater Journeys pelagic trip out of Sausalito. The news when we got to the boat at 7:20 was not good with the ocean swell meaning we would stay close to the coast before making the journey to the Farralone Islands. This meant a longer journey and we would not have time later in the day to look for birds along the continental shelf.

My target bird for the trip was the much-wanted Tufted Puffin and these were guaranteed at the islands. We also saw thousands of Common Murres, many Pigeon Guillemots and a few Cassin's Auklets in the waters.

Tufted Puffin
Common Murre
Pigeon Guillemots

In addition a single Blue-footed Booby and a single Brown Booby on the island known as Sugarloaf provided life birds for many of those on the boat. And the rocks also held some west coast shorebirds.

Black Oystercatcher
Blue-footed Booby
Brown Booby

Returning home in calmer seas we were lucky to get close views of a single Fork-tailed Storm Petrel and a fly by Pomarine Jaeger.

The trip ended with a wonderful non-birdy moment, a return to the bay seeing San Francisco framed beneath the Golden Gate Bridge under blue skies.

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