Sunday, August 21, 2016

Picture Canyon

On Sunday August 21st I spent an hour at Picture Canyon doing a loop from the Wildcat WTP to the Arizona Trail bridge, along the Rio to the waterfall and then up the cliff and back. I had 22 species, although very few individuals during my walk.

Things began brightly with a Black-throated Gray Warbler among several Chipping Sparrows along the creek just after the pond but things were generally quiet from then until I reached the Rio. Coming out of the trees I flushed two Belted Kingfishers perched on the bridge and then as I neared the waterfall I had one of each of Townsend's, Yellow, Nashville and Orange-crowned Warblers, and a Cassin's Vireo. A nice flock of Lazuli Buntings perched nicely in view as I turned to climb out of the canyon.

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