Monday, August 15, 2016

Pinnacles National Park

We had gone to Pinnacles many years ago, and since then the National Monument had been upgraded to a National Park, in part, I'm sure because of nesting California Condor. But we did not hold hopes of seeing this bird having been told that there was a young bird in the nest and the adults had not been viewable of late.

My hope was to see Lawrence's Goldfinch, a bird that I have only seen twice before but my planning went awry. We arrived at Pinnacles after noon in a temperature of 40C (104F) and the guaranteed stake out was devoid of birds! Our first attempt at a a hike - from the Old Pinnacles trail head - was soon abandoned. With no shade it was no different to hiking in Phoenix in August! Our last chance was at Bear Gulch and we took a lovely hike along a shaded creek and then for some distance through a cool cave to a reservoir. We saw 17 species en route with California and Spotted Towhees, California Scrub-Jays, Oak Titmice, Acorn Woodpeckers, Bewick's Wrens and Bushtits all being abundant and active despite the ambient temperature. Wilson's Warblers were my only FOY species.

Bewick's Wren
California Towhee
Wilson's Warbler
Oak Titmouse

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