Monday, August 15, 2016

Return to the UK

I got back from Bulgaria on June 18th but felt exhausted after long days spent with no time to recover from jet lag, and with rainy weather throughout June in the UK I did not really venture outside for ten days or so. When I did, on Thursday June 30th, it was for a walk through the Langdon Hills woods and I had targeted two species that I had not seen in Bulgaria - Tufted Duck and Long-tailed Tits - both of which I found easily.

David came over on Sunday July 3rd and after making some plans for later we went out for a nice walk around a very busy Wat Tyler Country Park where I added Eurasian Curlew for the year. (Daniel had glimpsed one at the Pomorie salt pans but could not relocate the bird.) The following weekend my brother came over and I chose Hanningfield Reservoir for our short trip out. The target bird, (countable) Red-crested Pochards, were in their usual spot but I was surprised to find another year bird, Stock Doves, at the feeders near the visitor center. A Muntjac also came close while we were watching these birds.

Stock Dove

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