Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Australia Zoo

We spent over 4 hours at Australia Zoo on Tuesday June 18th. The start attractions of Steve Irwin's zoo are the crocodiles and we got to see a croc show while there. But the zoo is conservation minded and is situated in natural habitat and we got to see a number of wild birds in the grounds. These included two birds that I was pleased to finally catch up on - Red-browed Finches and Bar-shouldered Doves. Peaceful Doves were in good numbers in a walk-through kangaroo section of the zoo. I was most surprised to see a number of honeyeaters feeding in the trees. These included White-throated Honeyeaters which we saw feeding low down just a few feet away, and my third life bird of the year - White-cheeked Honeyeater. A Southern Angle-headed Dragon was the fourth reptile of our trip.

Bar-shouldered Dove
Peaceful Dove
Rufous Fantail

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