Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lockyer Valley

On Saturday June 22nd, Jill and Ian took me out for a birding tour of the Lockyer Valley. This begin with a short stop at Wivenhoe Dam where we had at least one Great-crested Grebe on the water and a small group of Grey-crowned Babblers near the entrance to the parking area.

We then made a number of stops at lagoons between Wivenhoe Dam and Gatton including a stop at Lake Clarendon. We ran into a Nankeen Kestrel perched on wires. Then had had White-necked Heron, Red-kneed Dotterel, Glossy Ibis, Yellow-billed Spoonbills and Pale-headed Rosellas at our first stop, picked up Red-necked Avocet and Little Friarbird at another, then Banded Lapwing, then Plumed Whistling-Duck, then Freckled Duck and Australian Shoveler and then Double-barred Finch. Ian and Jill's route was very well planned and we found almost all our target birds.

Nankeen Kestrel
Banded Lapwing

After lunch in Gatton we immediately saw a number of Black Kites and then heading onto the University of Queensland - Gatton Campus had Red-rumped Parrots feeding on a lawn before heading to Lake Galletely where a single male Blue-billed Duck was among a large number of Pink-eared Ducks. Some basking Brisbane Short-necked Turtles were the fifth reptile of the trip.

Red-rumped Parrots
Blue-billed Duck
Pink-eared Ducks

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