Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tinchi Tamba Wetlands

On Sunday June 16th I joined a Birds Queensland Outing to the Tinchi Tamba Wetlands. There were over 20 people on the trip and the group was very strung out at times. I saw about 40 species; in all the bird call claimed 70!

Highlights included Striated Heron, Collared and Sacred Kingfishers, Rainbow Bee-eaters, White-bellied Sea-eagle, Gull-billed Tern, Pied Cormorant and a bunch of bush birds that I would have struggled to see without being in a group. This included three Striated Pardalotes, a Fan-tailed Cuckoo and two Gray Shrike-thrushes. I also saw my third mammal of the trip - a total of five Eastern Gray Kangaroos.

Heading back we stopped off at a nearby park to see some Magpie Geese and then at Dowse Lagoon where an Australian Shoveler had been seen this week. The latter was a new bird for Queensland for me.

Black Swan
Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Laughing Kookaburra

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