Friday, June 14, 2013

Brisbane Forest Park

On Thursday June 13th we headed to the Brisbane Forest Park where we hiked the 5km Araucaria Track around Enoggera Reservoir before vising Walkabout Creek. The reservoir had many Eurasian Coots and Hardhead but also Purple Swamphen, Australasian Grebe and a Great Cormorant. A Comb-crested Jacana walking on the lily pads was interesting to watch. Grey Fantails were very common and we nearly overlooked a lovely Rufous Fantail.

Australasian Grebe
Comb-crested Jacana
Grey Fantail

Other forest birds included Superb Wren, Brown Thornbill, Eastern Yellow-Robin and Lewin's and Yellow-faced Honeyeater. Bell Miners were very vocal and a Golden Whistler an unexpected treat. Australian Brush-Turkeys were common around the Walkabout Creek visitor centre.

Lewin's Honeyeater
Australian Brush-Turkey

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