Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mooloolaba and Caloundra

On Monday June 17th we drove to Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast with the main goal of visiting Underwater World. We did not spend too much time outside and saw nothing very exceptional.

Magpie Lark
Pied Butcherbird

We ended the day with a drive down the coast to Caloundra where we enjoyed seeing a number of flying foxes feeding at some flowering trees near our hotel.

On Tuesday morning, June 18th we spent an hour or so walking to and along the beach. We saw a number of Silver Gulls at a jetty and several pelicans and cormorants on the sand bars. Where Pumicestone Passage met the Pacific Ocean we saw Australian Pelicans feeding along with some terns and at least one shearwater, but the distance made precise identification impossible. We saw half a dozen Whistling Kites and an Osprey on our walk and found a Little Wattlebird with the Noisy Miners and Blue-faced Honeyeaters.

Straw-necked Ibis
Masked Lapwing

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