Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mt. Glorious

On Thursday June 20th, Julie took me to Mt. Glorious for 4 hours of birding.Things started pretty slowly but after a while we saw good numbers of Eastern Yellow Robin, Brown Thornbill and White-browed Scrub Wren. A Yellow-throated Scrubwren, a Whipbird and a small group of Brown Gerygones  added to the birds on the forest floor.

As we reached the overlook window we ran into a large group of Satin Bowerbirds and managed to find a male Regent Bowerbird feeding with them. Soon after we saw a perched Green Catbird to complete the set of three!

Green Catbird
We then drove on to Wivenhoe Overlook, where Jill had told me that White-browed Tree-creepers could be found. As luck would have it we ran into a bird expert and sometime tour guide Nick who found the bird for us! We also found a couple of White-naped Honeyeaters. Both these birds were lifers for me.

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