Friday, June 14, 2013

Oxley Creek Common

On Friday June 14th we went to Oxley Creek Common. This had the reputation of being Brisbane's best birding spot when I was here in 2009 but had been totally underwater in the big flood of 2011. I was surprised to see the place looking just as it did before. One difference was that development has continued along Sherwood Road leaving much less green space than before.

The track along the creek was quiet when we headed out; Cattle Egrets were common in the fields with the cattle. An Australian Kestrel was mobbed by a crow in the distance. At the wetland area, Black-winged Stilts, Black-banded Dotterel and Masked Lapwing were at the water's edge with two Black Swan among the ducks on the water. Welcome Swallows and Fairy Martins swooped over the water and Willie-Wagtails and Australian Pipits were on the grass.

At the lagoon we saw 2 Royal Spoonbill, Little and Great Egret, White-faced Heron, several Australian Pelicans and a number of cormorants. 

Cattle Egret
Royal Spoonbill
Australian Pelican

On the way back we had a Mistletoebird and saw a Black-tailed Kite hovering over the fields quite close to us.On a fence halfway along the route we found our third reptile of the trip - a Wall Skink.

Wall Skink

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