Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lone Pine

On Sunday June 9th, we headed to Lone Pine to revisit this specialist zoo that we had been to so many times when we lived in Fig Tree Pocket. It has changed some in the intervening years but it was as good as I remembered.

Australian Darter
Little Black Cormorant
We enjoyed a free flying raptor show, a Platypus feeding and information session and the feeding of the Tasmanian devils. But we also saw a lot of wild birds around the grounds including a dozen or more Australian Brush Turkeys and a Bush Thick-knee, one of the birds that I had dipped on at the Botanical gardens.

Bush Thick-knee 
Willie Wagtail

We also found our second reptile of the trip, not unexpectedly, with a few Eastern water Dragons around the grounds. On the way home, after dark at 5:30 pm we saw our second mammal - some Flying Foxes.

Eastern Water Dragon

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